Wednesday 23 November 2016

Biography of Tuan Haji Zakaria Bin Arshad


There are a small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which has been operating since 1987. Firstly, the enterprise is operating only in the northern region of Malaysia which is in Kedah. They are producing food products such as soy sauce, chili sauce, and vinegar. This enterprise was named Mudim. The founder of the company is Mudim Zakaria. The co-founder of the business who is Tuan Haji Zakaria Bin Arshad used to sell traditional medicine in Kedah.

As he was starting in the business field, he began to grow their business to other products. The processing of soy sauce is their main product. They also produce sauces and vinegar under the company. At the beginning of this company, they only had a capital of RM10000, however, they still managed to put the company’s name in one of the small and medium industrial sectors in Malaysia. After a few years, they managed to get a capital reversal of RM300000 which is a major increase compared to the beginning capital.

The company was located in other states and Mudim, the founder has given the responsibility to continue the business of Tuan Haji Zakaria Bin Arshad to Mr.Shaarani B. Zakaria. He studied STPM in the School Association Youth. He received guidance and have begun venturing into this business since the beginning of his 20’s. He is the third child of five siblings and was born on 8 October 1960. Although the company is still in the process of developing, but he is very persistent and strives to succeed.

His Traits


To be a successful entrepreneur, the entrepreneur must have a visionary characteristic. The reason is, an entrepreneur who has visionary character knows what is their company’s aim based on the objective and goals. An entrepreneur who is visionary will make a decision not only for a short term but they also make a long-term decision to achieve goals and mission. We can see this visionary characteristic in a successful sauce and soy sauce entrepreneur which is Tuan Haji Shaarani bin Zakaria the owners of Mudim Zakaria Proprietorship (MUDIM).

In the early 20s, Mr. Shaarani had entered the business world with his father guidance. He is really committed to every single thing that he did and he also had his own mission which is to be a successful entrepreneur in business. This is shown that he is really confident and intensity in producing sauce and soy sauce. His father, Tuan Haji Zakaria bin Arshad had given him courage and support to develop his business. Mr. Shaarani had the vision to make his father products as a high quality and HALAL product in Malaysia and abroad. He also attended a various program that organized by MARDI, MARA, MADA, FAMA and SIRIM. He also took part in some foods expo organized by parties concerned such as MIHAS at Malacca, IAT Expo at Putra Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur and Maha Expo at Serdang, Selangor. The result was the demand for his product increases. The demand of Mudim product was from the local and abroad market. This proves that Mr. Shaarani had been succeeded in making ‘MUDIM’ product’s famous in the global market and he also succeed in promoting his product to London, United Kingdom, and Saudi Arabia. Hence, it is clear that Mr. Shaarani is visionary person which he succeeds in his aim and mission to make Mudim product win in local and global market


Entrepreneurs who succeed do not necessarily taste success without failure. Most entrepreneurs who are involved in the business world will face failure before success. And there are also among those who had to deal with various types of allegations when business was conducted. Entrepreneurs can make themselves more carefully and work hard towards the success and take a good lesson and a reminder to yourself and others to be used as a guide for the future.

What can be seen from this Mudim business entrepreneurs is, when it comes to the production of a product will necessarily have too much competition, for example, also the soy sauce business cap Fan shrimps which were also a prominent business in this sector. Therefore, when there is intense competition employer Mudim itself will find a way or another alternative to enhance their products and when a reversal of capital it may not be high as the months prior to this will not make them depressed or despair because of failure has certainly been a sure thing in this business area.

Among the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs is exposed to risk or a risk taker. Most successful entrepreneurs due to their willingness to take risks and confront failure as the founder Mudim Haji Zakaria Bin Arshad and continued by his third son. Mudim business is just starting as the production of medicines in a smaller scale before this thriving business managed by its founders own initiative, Haji Zakaria Bin Arshad. In order to expand its business Haji Zakaria person who takes risks by changing the field of manufacture of medicines for small-scale to the production of food products. He started with food products such as soy sauce, sauce and vinegar under Mudim Business. Although there is a lot of competition in the manufacture of sauces, soy sauce, and vinegar he boldly takes risks to market his products only with RM10, 000 at the beginning Mudim Business. Because he dared to take the plunge with a little capital. His business has been gathering assets of RM300, 000. Apart than that, operators Mudim also risked markets its products throughout the country, although there are many companies producing similar products. Their efforts paid off as the product is now gaining attention.


After the MUDIM company was taken over by his son, Mr. Shaarani also inherits the advantages of proactive entrepreneurs on the Tuan Haji Zakaria. Although when it is a family business operated small - time, he was still working hard to develop it. He is so committed to any work done and determined to succeed in business. See the confidence and determination of depth to the production of soy sauce and sauce, her father gave her encouragement and full support to develop the company.

To further enhance products in the market, Mr. Shaarani has participated in several food products expo organized by the parties concerned. Among Mihas Expo in Melaka, IAT Expo at the Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, and MAHA Expo in Serdang, Selangor. Consequently, demand for products Mudim growing. Product MUDIM request to not only the local market but also in overseas markets as well. This proves En. Shaarani has positioned the brand 'Mudim' on the market global. Now, En. Shaarani is successful local entrepreneurs to become producers of soy sauce, sauce, and vinegar. He also managed to put the brand 'MUDIM' with other competitors in the market.

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