Wednesday 23 November 2016


Who is an entrepreneur ? What does an entrepreneur do ? Do they contribute to the society ? Do they have entrepreneurial traits ? An entrepreneur is someone who is creative and has the innovation in creating something to be contributed to the society. They are also involved in business. Not all businessmen are entrepreneurs but all entrepreneurs are a businessman. Entrepreneurs are those who are willing to take a risk in running their business and commonly seen as an innovator of new ideas.
            In this assignment, we will talk about entrepreneur traits by linking successful entrepreneurs and also analysis and identify embodied entrepreneurial skill by entrepreneurs. The following are traits we focus, which include networked, open risk taker, observant, visionary, a failure is an option, open culture, outcome-oriented, team-oriented and proactive.
           There are few entrepreneurs we use as an example which included, Tuan Haji Shaarani bin Zakaria the owners of Mudim  Zakaria Proprietorship (MUDIM), Dato’ Aliff Syukri, Vivy Yusof who is FashionValet, one of Asia’s leading multi-label online sites carrying Asian designer labels, and The Duck Group, a lifestyle brand of headscarves and stationery, Bryan Loo, Chatime, Tony Fernandes Air Asia, and Jobs Steve co-founder and CEO of Apple and formerly Pixar,Jimmy Choo,Jeffery Preston and Oprah Winfrey.                                                                                    
   Networked, open risk taker, observant, visionary, failure is an option, open culture, outcome-oriented, team-oriented and proactive are the common traits for an entrepreneur. There are many successful entrepreneurs in Malaysia and the other country. They had shown us with their good example and we can learn a lot through their story as we have mentioned. Entrepreneurship also is an industry which can increase our country income.

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